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Graphic Design Work

Shows some of my work in User Interface Design, Logo Design and Development in the field of E-Learning. All work shown here is property of their respective owners.

Go Math Logo Design

Go Math is DS Digital's Math Lab Product. It needed a strong logo to go with its tag line of "Bringing Math Alive". It was conceptualized and designed in Photoshop and vectorized in CorelDraw.

DS Digital Logo

In 2014, S. Chand Harcourt transformed into DS Digital to identify with its new found direction. This logo was completely designed in Photoshop and vectorized using CorelDraw.

Hindi Grammar UI Design

These lessons were too big in length and hence a timeline was conceptualized and developed in Flash which user can interact with to reach specific points in the lesson.

Moodle Platform UI Design

Completely conceptualized and designed in Photoshop, this UI design took two months to fine tune with respect to the interface elements, their artwork, functionality, and affordances.

Resource Portal UI Design

This UI was conceptualised in Photoshop and developed completely using HTML in Dreamweaver.

Environmental Studies UI Design

Big buttons, colorful artwork and UI was very specifically designed in keeping mind the age group it was targeting. Conceptualized in Photoshop and implemented using Flash.

Social & Political Life UI Design

Interactive Buttons, subtle artwork and UI was very specifically designed in keeping mind the age group it was targeting. An old technical platform was adapted to the new UI in Flash.

Biology - Animation

Interactivity showing different kind of joints present in Human Body. Completely done in Flash.

Biology - Interactivity

Interactivity explaining in depth the flow of blood inside Human Heart. Completely designed and developed in Flash.

Biology - Interactivity

Interactivity explaining in depth the flow of blood inside Human Heart. Completely designed and developed in Flash.

English - Graphics and Animations

Graphics and Animations done for English in Flash.

Physics - Graphics and Animations

Physics graphics and animations completely designed and developed in Flash.

Physics - Graphics and Animations

Physics graphics and animations completely designed and developed in Flash.

Mathematics - Quiz Development

Rapid Quiz Development done using Articulate Storyline.

Mathematics - StyleGuide Development

Styleguide Development was done using PowerPoint for a project which designers were to follow further for extensive Lesson development.

Mathematics - Styleguide Development

Styleguide Development was done using PowerPoint for a project which designers were to follow further for extensive Lesson development.

GoMath - Cover Design

Cover Design work for Go Math Teacher Manuals, completely done in Photoshop.

Icon Design

Icon Design work was done to be used in Mobile apps. Completely designed in Illustrator.